Screen Locations represent an actual display screen. It has a width and height, in pixels. Each screen has a list of content slides being played, assembled from the playlists associated with the screen location, or via associations with hubs.
The screen location to hub association can be assigned in this menu, or via the hub menu. The association will be reflected in both menus. The same ease of use applies to associating screen locations to playlists.

Using the Screen Locations Menu
- Select Screen Locations from the navigation menu.
- The screen locations list is sorted by create date and in descending order.
- To sort by Title or by Date in ascending or descending order:
- Mouse over the Title field, click the upward arrow to sort in ascending order and click the downward arrow to sort in descending order.
- Mouse over the Date field, click the upward arrow to sort in ascending order and click the downward arrow to sort in descending order.
Creating a New Screen Location
- Click on the Add New button next to the title Screen Locations.
- On Add New Screen Location page, key in a name in the Enter Name of Screen Location field.
Screen Size – Defining the size of the screen
- Define the size of the screen so for the preview function and the player agent.
- The default size is Full HD at 1920 pixels in width and 1080 pixels in height. The left column is the width and the right column is the height.
- To change the width, click the up arrow to increase pixels from 1920 and the down arrow to decrease pixels from 1920.
- To change the height, click the up arrow to increase pixels from 1080 and the down arrow to decrease pixels from 1080.
Organizing multiple Screen Locations
- Each Screen Location can play one or more Playlists.
- Hubs are used to share common playlists across Screen Locations.
- Each Screen Location can belong to one or more Hubs, the slides played at the Screen Location is the totality of all the slides in all the Playlists associated with the Screen Location, and all the slides in all the Playlists associated with all the Hubs that the Screen Location is associated with.
Associated Hubs – Associating/Disassociating Screen Locations and Hubs
- There are two columns in the Associated Hubs display. The left column has all available hubs created in the Hubs menu. If it is empty, create a new hub first.
- The right column has all the Hubs associated with this Screen Location. A Screen Location can have one or more hubs associated with it.
- If a hub is already associated with this Screen Location via the Hubs menu, it is displayed here in the right column. The association can be updated here. Any updates made here will also be reflected in the Hubs menu.
- To associate a hub, do a wildcard search in the Search field if necessary. Select the desired hub on the left column and it will be moved to the right column.
- To disassociate the relationship, select the desired hub on the right column and click on the minus button next to it.
Associated Playlists – Associating/Disassociating Screen Locations and Playlists
- There are three columns in Associated Playlists. On the Playlist column, if the dropdown box is empty after clicking on the Add Row button, create a new playlist in the Playlists menu first.
- Daily Start Time and Daily Stop Time are read-only fields for information only from the Playlists menu. Daily Start Time and Daily Stop Time can be set in the Playlists menu.
- A playlist associated with a screen location via a hub relationship does not show up in Associated Playlists. Only Playlists directly associated with this screen location show up here.
- To associate a playlist to this screen location, click on the Add Row button:
- On the playlist column, click the down arrow to pull down a list of available playlists. Click on the desired one to select.
- To change the daily start time and daily stop time, go to the Playlists menu to update.
- To disassociate:
- There are two buttons on the right side next to a playlist, the + button and the – button.
- The + button is Add Row which has the same result as clicking on the Add Row button.
- The – button is Remove Row which is to disassociate the playlist from the hub. A confirmation box pops up before removal, select Remove to disassociate or Cancel to exit.
Preview Link – Previewing the Playlists for a Screen Location
- A Screen Location must be Published before being previewed.
- Click on the Preview Link at the top of the page.
- A Preview Link is available for sharing.
Saving a Screen Location
- A screen location can only be used in production when it is Published.
- To save work before it is ready for production, use Draft mode.
- The Save Draft button and Publish button are changed to the Update button for a saved Screen Location. Click the Update button to save your changes.
- Click on the Save Draft button to save the Screen Location in draft mode. To change the status from draft to published, simply click on the Publish button. To change the status from draft to pending review, click the Edit link next to it, select Pending Review from the dropdown box and click on the OK button to save, or Cancel to exit.
- Click on the Publish button to publish the Screen Location for use. The published date and time are shown. To change the status from published to pending review or draft, click the Edit link next to it, select Pending Review or Draft from the dropdown box and click on the OK button to save, or Cancel to exit.
- Visibility is set as Public by default. A Screen Location needs to be public to be used. Click the Edit link next to it, select Password Protected or Private, and click on the OK button to save, or Cancel to exit.
Searching for Screen Locations
- There are several ways to search or filter a screen location list
- Screen Locations are grouped by All, Published, Draft, Pending, and Trash boxes. Each box has a count next to it.
- Wildcard search – key in some keywords in the field below the profile pic and click on the Search Posts button.
- Filtered by create date – click on the All Dates dropdown box, select month and year, and click on the Filter button.
Editing a Screen Location
- Select a screen location from the Screen Locations list and go to the Edit Screen Location page, or
- Mouse over a screen location from the Screen Locations list, the three links below it:
- Select Edit link goes to the Edit Screen Location page which has the same result as 1. above.
- Select the Quick Edit link to pop up the Edit box to easily update the name or its status. Click on the Update button to save or Cancel to exit.
- Select Trash link moves a screen location to the Trash box. A screen location cannot be used when it has been trashed.
Deleting a Screen Location
- Follow 2.c. above, or
- In the Edit Screen Location page and in the Publish box, select the Move to Trash link.
Permanently Deleting a Screen Location or Restoring a Screen Location
- A deleted Screen Location can be restored from the Trash box or deleted permanently from the portal. Select the Trash link from the Screen Locations list.
- On the trash Screen Location list, mouse over the one and select the Restore link to move it back to the All box.
- On the trash Screen Location list, mouse over the one or check all by clicking on the checkbox next to Title, select Delete Permanently link to delete these Screen Locations permanently from the portal; or
- On the trash Screen Location list, check all by clicking on the checkbox next to Title, then select Restore or Delete Permanently on the Bulk Actions dropdown box and click on the Apply button. Bulk action does not prompt with a confirmation box or a warning message.
Screen Locations – Bulk Edit Functionality
- The purpose of the Bulk Edit function is to update multiple screen locations in one shot, similar to the status update or move to trash functions.
- Search or filter for a group of screen locations, or go to any of the All, Published, Draft, Pending, or Trash boxes by selecting the link on the top.
- Check all by clicking on the checkbox next to Title, or click on the checkbox next to a screen location individually, or multi-select by holding the Ctrl button on the keyboard and clicking on the checkbox next to a screen location
- To update the status of the list:
- Click on the Bulk Actions dropdown box, select Edit and click on the Apply button.
- A pull-down shows two columns, the left column is the list for bulk editing and the right column is the status dropdown box.
- On the left column, click on the cross next to a screen location to take it out from the list before bulk editing.
- On the right column, select an action from the Status dropdown box.
- Click on the Update button to save or Cancel to exit.
- To update the status of the list:
- To delete the list:
- Click on the Bulk Actions dropdown box, select Move to Trash, and click on the Apply button. This moves the list to the Trash box.
- To restore or delete permanently from the Trash box, please see 4. in the Permanently Deleting or Restoring a Screen Location section above.